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8 ways to express your feelings freely and clearly

Reasons Why People Are Afraid To Get Sober

Often, people with substance use issues will accept that they have a problem but then insist on dealing with it on their own. They insist they are still in control, even though the most common symptoms of addiction include trying to quit but being unable to and not being able to drink or use drugs in moderation. The self-esteem and self-worth of people who have substance use disorders can be lower than you realize and lower than they outwardly exhibit.

Overcoming the Challenges of Sobriety: Why Is It So Hard to Stay Sober

  • You’ve probably asked yourself this question before.
  • Every day, week, and month that you let slip by without tackling your drinking problem is time you can’t get back and more damage you must undo.
  • You can’t fail at sobriety, you can only keep trying and keep growing.
  • It seems like you have a diagnosable substance use disorder, making it difficult to stay sober.
  • Someone who isn’t mucking up their life and relationships.

Whether you’re just starting your sober journey or have been alcohol-free for a while, here are ten powerful reasons to love sobriety. Most people know that if they enter addiction treatment, they’ll have to talk to a therapist and participate in group therapy. Men appear to be especially reluctant to seek help for mental health issues and talk about their feelings, but it can be hard for anyone. Some people may want nothing to do with you, no matter how much you change.

Reasons Why People Are Afraid To Get Sober

Sober Living is more Peaceful

There are always challenges and setbacks but you don’t fail until you quit trying. When people imagine entering an addiction treatment program, they often picture some remote facility, not unlike a prison, where they’ll have to spend 30 to 90 days among strangers. In other words, they feel like they’re going to have to endure this ordeal alone.

Why Cannabis Is Not a Good Treatment Option for Anxiety

So towards the end when I managed to put together two and three-month stretches of sobriety, I’d always screw up and drink again. You have to do the work of healing whatever damage drives your drinking. I didn’t want the label because I didn’t want the problem. I didn’t want to sit in some dank church basement and say, “I’m an alcoholic.” I didn’t want anything to do with that community.

  • It helps to consider that, through recovery, you can evolve into a better version of yourself.
  • That’s why I believe it’s a heroic act to be sober in today’s world.
  • Every sober day is a step towards a healthier, happier, and more empowered version of yourself.
  • That often leads to being unable to see or enjoy the good as well.
  • Sober living is so much more peaceful than living a life of binging and regretting the use of drugs or alcohol the night before.
  • All of which are just some of the many reasons why being sober far outweighs being addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Reasons to Stay Sober: What’s Your WHY?

I wasn’t sure where I was going with it, if I would stay sober forever, or even if I was an actual alcoholic. Sobriety is often tied to the extreme stereotype of addiction, the old homeless man that lives under the bridge, the heroin addict who shoots up in the bathroom. Sobriety is not considered for people who black out every once in awhile, or just booze at social events, but fear of being sober the reality is sobriety is possible for everyone. I feel like a lot of people fear they will like sobriety and then will have to deal with the repercussions of telling everyone in their life they no longer drink. I won’t lie, being sober in a world full of drinkers is different and sometimes difficult. It’s easy to feel like the media and society promote drinking because they do.

Reasons Why People Are Afraid To Get Sober

This is the case for many people active in their chemical dependency. It’s not easy knowing that we are completely useless if our body doesn’t get the fix it craves. We used on and off for years and built up a tolerance to our substance du jour.

Reasons Why People Are Afraid To Get Sober

Reasons Why People Are Afraid To Get Sober

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